Team Spotlight: Meet Suzanne

Suzanne Basista is a seasoned marketing and communications professional with years of experience on both the agency and client sides. She has worked across a variety of sectors including non-profit, commercial real estate and health care at advertising agencies and Fortune 500 companies in the greater Pittsburgh region. Suzanne joined Kirkpatrick Group in 2023, where she now applies her knowledge of media relations and stellar writing skills to education and manufacturing clients. As a communicator, she seamlessly partners with clients to keep them focused and help them achieve their goals. As a teammate, she goes above and beyond to support her coworkers with enthusiasm and encouragement. Let’s dive into her background and learn more about her love for libraries and crab cakes.

  • What led you to a career in communications? 

I had always loved writing, and I was a total grammar nerd. When I was younger, I wanted to be a teacher, and in college I took some classes related to social work and psychology. I knew I wanted to work with people, but I didn’t know how. I was introduced to PR by a college counselor who thought it would be a way to bring together my skills and interests. Even though I didn’t know what PR was, I declared my major in advertising and PR and never looked back. I also have minors in Spanish and business. Throughout my career I have had several positions that were broadly focused on marketing and communications, but I have always returned to PR. That broad background has allowed me to have a greater perspective and learn a little about everything in the communications world so I can help clients in different fields. 

  • What do you like most about your job?

My sweet spots are strategy and writing. I love to write, whether it’s a speech or an op-ed or a trade article. I’m also in my element when I get to put a plan together. From annual plans to product launches, I love figuring out what our strategy will be, who the audiences are and what tactics to use. I enjoy coming up with ideas for how to tell people a certain story or address a certain issue.

  • What do you think makes Kirkpatrick Group stand out in our field?

I am amazed by the smart, savvy women that work at Kirkpatrick Group. Everybody brings such unique talents, but the common thread is that we are super smart and super focused. We know how to solve problems for our clients in a strategic way because we excel in our areas of PR, marketing, communications and design. 

  • What are the most important skills a successful communicator should have? 

There are two things. First, writing is key. If you don’t like writing, PR is not going to be for you. It runs throughout everything we do, from writing emails to writing pitches. At one of the agencies where I worked, a mentor said, “Writing is a reflection of your ability to think.”

In addition to the written word, being able to think ahead and plan in advance is important. When you are putting a plan together, you need to think through all the possible scenarios that could happen and how to prepare for them. Staying one step ahead is so critical.

  • Do you have a motto or a favorite quote?

I have a family history with libraries. My mom is a librarian, and libraries have always been a big part of my life. Outside the New York Public Library, there are two lion statues named Patience and Fortitude. Those qualities have always guided me and inspired me, reminding me to stay grounded and always work on my patience and strength. 

  • Do you have any hidden talents?

I can juggle. When my mom was working, I would hang out at the library after school and one of the librarians taught me how to juggle in the staff room.

I am also good at word games. I do the Wordle every day. I am super good at Wheel of Fortune – I can see it and know what the words are going to be. I would love to be on that show someday.

  • What is your favorite food?

I love pizza, especially buffalo chicken or white pizza. But I also love a good crab cake. I’m from Baltimore and my mom has a fantastic crab cake recipe she has perfected over time. 

  • What is your favorite place you’ve ever traveled?

I took a trip in high school where I was an exchange student in Albacete, Spain. I went with a group of classmates, we stayed with host families and went to school. I still occasionally keep in touch with my host family today. It was so fun to experience their culture with other students my age and visit Madrid with my classmates and Spanish teachers. 

  • What is your favorite movie?

My favorites are ‘80s and ‘90s movies. I have a handful of favorites like Tommy Boy, Billy Madison and Happy Gilmore. I watch My Cousin Vinny every single time it’s on. I’m also a huge Seinfeld and Friends fan. They have an appropriate quote or joke for so many life situations and they still make me laugh when I watch them.