Things my dad taught me about work

As 2023 kicks off, I begin my 16th year of professional work. My dad has long been my professional mentor and guiding light when I feel lost or conflicted. He’s also the person I call when something awesome happens. 

I started my first professional job in 2007 (before Instagram, Pinterest, Uber, easily-accessible wi-fi), and he told me a few things that still ring true today. Do you agree? What else hasn’t changed in 15 years?

🧾Always comply with administrative requirements. Complete the expense report on time. Do the training on time. Don’t let lack of compliance overshadow your job performance. 

⏰Punctuality matters. Always be on time. If you’re late, it can be perceived that your time is more valuable that someone else’s time.

🤝🏽Build trust and reliability early. That trust earns you flexibility and more.

🧹There is always something to be done. (One time as an intern I proactively organized a supply closet.)

💡Find solutions (don’t just identify problems). 

🏖Take the vacation.

💰Ask for more money when you get offered the job. The worst they can say is “no.” 

(📸: 2017)

By: Katie Regan